Ignorance ends where relationship begins!

Dap..am stat si am craniat indelung situatia si am ajus la concluzia enuntata in titlu...De ce oare ppl are so damn ignorant when it comes to telling the other how it feels like to be near him/her,why do they runaway when it comes to expressing themselves???Why is it that hard?Maybe the other is some kind of a freak, maybe 'cause you're too shy to express what you feel,etcetera.
ignorance it's sometimes misunderstood because many are taking ignorance as a cruel way to show sb that you don't care or you've got a life to live,plans to follow,plans that doesn't include that particular character.
Mdea...bat campii pe tema data si pe langa subiect(offtopic):)
In mom in care te decizi sa-ti prezinti pe cat de sincer posibil feelingurile,bine nu direct neaparat,in mom acela ignoranta ta se transforma in ceva numit nush sigur cum dar tind sa cred ca e vb de tupeu,curaj,optimism aaa...nu mai stiu.(vb in acest timp cu cineva in franceza,cu altcineva in engleza si mai tb sa scriu si in romana,culmea e ca subiectele sunt complet diferite)AAA....dc treci de ignoranta si ajungi la curaj,e clar..ai facut un pas huuuuge,acum va tb sa astepti sa aiba un deznodamant totul sau nu..mai bine zis un inceput si gata...Ignorance ends forever...or it takes a break untill the next specie of butterflies arrives in your stomach!
Etichete: aberatii
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