Falling into you

Monday...the first day of my hapiness maybe.Don't know why is it that i'm feeling so high,but i guess that all this crazy feelings,this stupid smile has appeared on my face because of you !
Am stat si am craniat situatia,am vrut sa-ti compun ceva doar pentru tine,timp ce-i drept am avut,dar...
E greu sa exprimi sentimentele indiferent care ar fi ele...versurile unei poezii stiute de toti e banal,versuri ale melodiilor la fel de copilaresc,poezii unicate in care sa pun in hiperbola iubirea...prea poetic pt tine,desi arta te defineste perfect.Iti scriu ceva ce stiai in trecut,ceva ce ai aflat in prezent si bineinteles iti voi scrie ceva din viitorul pe care-l vei trai...
A trebuit sa caut in arhiva proprie ceva din trecut dar...am gasit in cele din urma...e postat mai jos.

Prezentul..."Honey,have a very good white/black night and please allow me to try and make you happy,release you from routine,from the usual.
Let me know you,talk to you,smile at you,(with you),let me show you all the things that haven't been shown to you,let me touch you,let me hope that u'll feel the same way .Let me kiss you goodnight...just don't let me go"
The future...one can never know..but...we can only hope it's going to happen so...i'm gonna' let faith decide this time
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