vineri, 29 august 2008
A mai trecut o luna de practica/voluntariat../.whatever...s-a terminat :) urma practicii am acumulat multe cunostinte din domeniul bancar si nu numai(am invatat sa lucrez cu oamenii...grea incercare) si am obtinut si o adeverinta ;;)...Mda...acum ma bucur ca o sa am ceva zile libere in care ma voi dedica hobbyului meu...asadar...let the summer begin
duminică, 17 august 2008
Music&forever you
Mi-e frica de-ntamplare si mi-e frig
Cine-a iubit frumos...cine-a gresit
Numaratori de ploi din doi in doi
Si inalt
Iubito cata lume intre noi
Cate zapezi pe buze ne-au crescut
asculta-ma si lasa-ma sa strig...........
Cine-a iubit frumos...cine-a gresit
Numaratori de ploi din doi in doi
Si inalt
Iubito cata lume intre noi
Cate zapezi pe buze ne-au crescut
asculta-ma si lasa-ma sa strig...........
Etichete: me, music, relationship, us
vineri, 15 august 2008
Some people say that i'm to open they say it's not good to let them no everything about me and they say one day they will use every little things against me but i don't mind maybe they're right that's just how it is and i got nothing to hide.
i live my life the way i want i got nothing to hide nothing at all life is not a fairy tale life is about more cause life is real.
i live my life the way i want i got nothing to hide nothing at all life is not a
fairy tale life they should know taht life is real.
A friend of mine gave me an advice he saiybe careful and think twice before you talk about your life protect yourself just keep quiet the more they know the harder they try to spoil your ways to spread lies and even though i know he could be right i just said i..
i live my life the way i want i got nothing to hide nothing at all life is not a fairy tale life is about more cause life is real.
i live my life the way i want i got nothing to hide nothing at all life is not a
fairy tale life they should know taht life is real.
Me i be ayo ogunmakin fear no foe i am real from head to toe just like my heart and my soul.
Me i be ayo ogunmakin fear no foe i am real from head to toe like life is real and you should know. (2 fois)
Finally week-end

si a venit si ziua mult asteptata...vineri...ziua cand tot ce e frumos incepe sa iasa la suprafata...ziua cand el vine la ea,ziua cand se termina canicula asta infernala,ziua in care totul pare a fi perfect...well..almost inceput-o cam aiurea...fara chef de mers at[fapt pentru care nu m-am dus]...insa cu un mare chef de a lenevi,lucru imposibil de altfel pentru ca mereu se gaseste cate ceva de facut.Cat e?aaa...14:07:32..mda...mai e putin si ma voi bucura in mare fel...sper sa ma pot manifesta in my unique style...asta daca nu s evor gasi iar ca mai mereu fete din acelea plicitsite(painted in grey)care sa imi tranteasca o privire din aia plina de scarba di disrespect...nah...traim printre oameni si asta se pare ca nu ne face bine noua astora mai goes on :)...
miercuri, 13 august 2008
mi-e pofta de...
mamaligutza facuta la ceaun

cu branza de tara

cu preferat tot de tara fara E-uri si alti amelioratori

si sa arate cam asa...bine...fara ceapa ca nu-mi place

Bon appetit!

cu branza de tara

cu preferat tot de tara fara E-uri si alti amelioratori

si sa arate cam asa...bine...fara ceapa ca nu-mi place

Bon appetit!
Etichete: papa
sâmbătă, 9 august 2008
joi, 7 august 2008
Si tard..mais si beau

Oui...mina rakastan sinua!...even if you're si tard...depuis 6 ans...
Etichete: me, relationship, us, you

Today i feel like flying...i have to hurry and get to the bank as quick as possible 'cause i'ma little late...The outfit?mmmm...let make it balck&red today...why?maybe because thiis how i'm feeling this with a little bit of red(from love ;;) )...why black...'i like it..that';s why not because i feel no...why red?ufff...because of him,us...nature,love,the sun...don't know...maybe just because it's good match...ooops my coffee is still waiting for me to cuddle must leave you and take care of my own being...buh bye!